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I have another very fun challenge to share! The other day I turned off ALL the color on my iPad and attempted to color in my digital sketch without knowing what color I was adding to the drawing. This challenge is called the colorblind challenge.
Because I’ve memorized the direction of the Procreate color wheel I had to choose my colors a much different way. I picked a random color palette and mixed them all up digitally so I wouldn’t know whats what then got to work.
It was a very fun process, and so exciting! I was on the edge of my seat wondering how it would come out. At times I noticed myself rushing through the process because I was so excited to see the results. Oh no! I had to remind myself to take my time.
Thank you for reading!
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Such a cool exercise! It turned out to be a masterpiece of color too!
That. Is. INCREDIBLE. How did it turn out so good?!?! It feels like everything you make has that spark on it that makes it amazing no matter what!!! What a brilliant challenge to take on!! Thank you so much for showing your brilliant art to us!!