Hello everyone!
I thought I’d tell everyone all about my favorite art supplies and mediums I use. The mediums and supplies you use are definitely an important part to what type of art you make!
Above are four art pieces I created, all made with different mediums. The Beta fish painting is done on a canvas with acrylics, the sunflower sunset was done digitally, the kitten was done with watercolors and pencil, and the girl in white is done with watercolors. (Some of these drawings are also featured in my portfolio!)
Which one is my favorite you may be wondering? Well, the answer is…ALL OF THEM! They all have unique characteristics. For example, digital art for me is something I use for a streamline and clean drawing. Meanwhile, painting a canvas is something that I do for a huge project, like for a gift or elaborate painting.
One of my most used supplies is watercolors. I have been working with paint and watercolors all of my life. My second most used supply is my iPad and Apple Pen for digital art. Digital art is one of my favorites, and I really enjoy the process.
It isn’t that different from traditional art. I still have a lot to learn but I really enjoy it! My favorite digital art program to use is Procreate. But there is nothing like traditional art and I enjoy it much more than digital!
My third most used medium is acyclic paint, which is probably not surprising considering how paint is my Mom’s best friend, haha! I love paint, it is an incredibly freeing and fun medium.
Pens and colored pencils are great for details and are supplies that I typically use to add details to a watercolor surface.
Graphite is a medium I rarely use due to how messy it is but I LOVE IT! There’s something that feels so weirdly fancy when I use it. I really like the long, drawn out and detailed process to making a graphite art piece.
Above are two of my favorite graphite art pieces I’ve done!
I also love gouache. I love its consistency and texture, not too watery like watercolors but not like acrylic. I don’t use gouache often, but when I do I am so impressed with the medium!
Overall, I love all mediums and supplies but these are my favorites! They all have their differences, but beautiful ones. Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed my first blog post.